
Suzuki Association Website
Everything from the design to the fully customized PHP system was my work for the past eight years. I was the only developer and designer during my time there and everything on the site was something that I created or significatly updated including, blog, user managment, custom email creation and blast integration with AWS, event management, ad managment, paid access integration, donation graphics and campaigns, SEO and SEM, and so much more.

Suzuki Galaxy
The Suzuki Galaxy is a beautiful representation of the community involved with the Suzuki method. I put everything together for the Galaxy from the initial concept to the last beautiful star. Aside from a few jQuery plugins, I wrote this entire application. It has been a huge success for the Suzuki Association in increasing donations. This is a shining example of the work that I provide.

The Interweave site was a site that I designed and re-engineered over my time spent at Interweave. This is a very effective corporate site, enables users to find the type of craft content they are most interested in quickly, getting them to the appropriate community site, or to the store to buy products. I worked closely with the executive staff at Interweave to come up with a design that was beautiful, functional, and user friendly. This redesign and restructure helped to increase SEO value as well as increase revenue to the Interweave Store.

Meat Track
MeatTrack.com is another site where I redesigned the site to be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Along with the redesign I also installed and customized a PHP user management system, requiring effective migration and communication with that site's existing users. I also ensured that the site loaded very quickly with effective use of image sprites and CSS. Along with the site redesign was a redesign of the logo, and the creation of the vector artwork. Since the new site was launched there has been a significant increase in new users and overall use of the site, and now one of the primary sites for the meat industry.

Fox Fire Ridge
Fox Fire Ridge is another example of a site where I had design freedom, and was able to provide a professional presentation to sell real estate in Colorado. This site was built on a tight budget and timeline, and provided the client with great value and increased his presentation.

Suzuki Birthday
This was an event where we wanted to not only celebrate the man that created the Suzuki method, but also increase donations for scholarships the Suzuki Association awards. This event has exceeded our goal expectations. The whole project was created in a few days from request to launch.

Camp Thunderbird
This is a site that I built while working with Creative Navigation. On many of the sites that I built for Creative Navigation I started with a PSD from another designer, and then I built this site from that PSD. This site really highlights effective use of CSS and jQuery to bring a stunning presentation, and rich experience to the users. Especially with the very graphic heavy sites it is especially important to optimize the page size and load time wherever possible. Using certain techniques, I was able to optimize transparent PNG files to half of the original file size, over just Saving for Web in Adobe Photoshop. This site is built on a custom PHP platform, that was modified specifically for this site.

Camp Schodack
This is another example of a site that I built while working for Creative Navigation. This site also very graphic heavy with a background image that fits within any size browser window, and has a transparent fade from the content background. You will notice that this sites width is larger then the standard 980px wide, but then is able to adjust down to smaller browser windows, and also is mobile compatible. This flexibility is important because of the number of users that access these type of sites with iOS devices.

Camp Towanda iOS App
This is an iOS app that I built upon an OpenJS framework that I created within Titanium. It uses web views that were specifically created for the app on a remote server. This enables easy updates of the app, without the need for pushing an update through the Apple review process. It also allows for the use of PHP (or other server side technology) to render web content or data to the user. The custom Titanium framework I built has an easy to use configuration file that specifies web URLs, and other theming information for quick deployment of new apps. The framework also has URL detection on the web views, and provides browser like navigation, if the user navigates away from the app specific web pages. It incorporates native transitions and other cover views to finish the experience, and provide a app marketing vehicle for Camp Towanda.

Camp Timber Tops iOS App
This is a slightly earlier version of the camp iOS Titanium framework that i built. This version did include the iOS title bar, that was later removed in newer versions to allow more room for the design. It also uses native iOS views for the Twitter and blog feed, and pulls the data for each through an RSS feed. Most of the views are still hosted on a remote server, and up-to-date information is maintained by updating web page content.

Meat Solutions Inc.
Meat Solutions needed a corporate site for their business, and I built this with a custom design on a Razor CMS platform called Orchard. This site features a clean look, and is maintainable by the client.

Weaving Today
As a part of the Interweave group of communities this was one of the sites I helped to both design the logo and look, and help to drive the project. Some of the unique features that I built into this site include a keyword aware and conversion weighted free project offering, enticing users to sign-up. This system is used on all of the 10 Interweave communities. It's launch helped drive massive registration numbers. The community sites also offer blogs, forums, galleries, videos, and other features. During my time with Interweave I helped to support all the Interweave editors with the use of these sites.

Beef Cuts Web Application
One of the primary functions of the Meat Track site is to provide data and other information to the meat industry. This Beef Cuts Web Application was built to help sort this data into something that is usable to quickly find the information that the user is looking for. This application joins a clean design to jQuery to provide a easy to use interface. Behind the scenes this application passes data to a PHP processing layer, that then performs the necessary tasks then displays the data back to the user using Ajax. This app also required creating the beef cut locations on the carcass, and I built these in Adobe Illustrator then used actions in Adobe Photo shop to save all the appropriate sizes of those images for this app and for use in of online material.

Island Lake Camp
This site is another example of a site built for Creative Navigation. After receiving the PSD for this site I was able to look over the design and identify efficiencies to build the site more quickly. Using actions in Adobe Photoshop I was able to save out selections of the graphics with one key stroke, and have them properly aligned with consistent top left image starting points with minimal custom CSS adjustments. This site also features a custom slide-out menu on the home page login box.

Interweave Store
During my time at Interweave I focused quite a bit of time on the Interweave Store, and was able to greatly increase revenue from the store. I not only contributed to the site with my code, but also with my knowledge of e-commerce, effective upsells, and user interface. I contributed by enabling the same keyword aware system into these sites as the community sites, allowing for multiple store fronts in a single site, and improving the management of thousands of products. I helped to define the downloadable product system, and secure the files in a cloud environment. I also created a single Adobe Photoshop action that created the 14 different sets of images with the appropriate styling to use on this site and in all Interweave product promotions. It has been over a year since I worked with interweave on this site, however almost all the features that I helped to establish are still in use today.

Panorama Memories
The Panorama Memories site is a site that I built on the Magento e-commerce platform, and features a custom upload system, integrated blog, and a custom design. I was the sole designer and developer on this site, down to the vector artwork that I created in Adobe Illustrator. I even authored the blog posts. This site is not currently active.